In this IIL property lecture Alan Brinson will review sprinkler system performance, the increasing use of sprinklers in residential and commercial buildings and the implications of that for insurers.
Sprinklers are a highly effective fire protection tool, as confirmed by a recent analysis of fire brigade data. Economic research shows more industrial buildings should be fitted with sprinklers. Meanwhile commercial building designers are finding it increasingly attractive to include sprinklers. Since 2016 all new housing in Wales must be sprinklered. Following the Grenfell Tower disaster local authorities and developers in England are not waiting for a regulatory change but are fitting sprinklers in new and existing housing. Done properly, insurers stand to benefit from the reduced exposure of these buildings to fire.
By the end of this lecture members would have gained an insight into:
Speaker Bio:
Alan set up the EFSN in 2003. Today its membership extends across 18 countries and with its members it is active in nine. He previously worked for Tyco, where he was responsible for its fire protection products business in EMEA.
Dr Jim Glockling, Fire Protection Association and RISCAuthority.