Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) 2024
Since it first began in 1957, the Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) – the largest gathering in the sector – has enabled all players in the insurance and reinsurance market to meet up and hold bilateral discussions ahead of the renewals. 66th edition of the RVS will take place from September 7th to 11th, 2024.
About the Congress
- The registration fees for this edition is 200€ per participant;
- The list of the participants will be available and given only during the Rendez-Vous de Septembre;
- During the Rendez-vous de Septembre, any distribution of documents or advertising objects on the public highway, in public places, at the Fairmont Hotel is strictly forbidden unless expressly authorised by the organiser. The distribution of documents is strictly limited to official exhibitors who have a site allocated to the Rendez-vous de Septembre.
Next editions
- 2025: September 6th to 10th
- 2026: September 5th to 9th
Logo used: authorization number (A21-2024), RVS copyright.
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