Theme “Building Financial Resilience – Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance”.
Three years ago, the city of Kathmandu was crippled by a major earthquake that left almost 9.000 people dead and more than double that number seriously injured.
This coming September, this gateway to the Himalayas will show the world that it’s officially back in business as it plays hosts to the 21st Conference of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers in Developing Countries (AIRDC). Chosen two years ago in Bahrain after its Chief Delegate made a passionate presentation, Kathmandu will be highlighting the importance of insurance in times of disasters.
The AIRDC Conference is supported by two organizations namely the Association of Insurers and Reinsurance of Developing Countries (AIRDC) and the Association of insurance Supervisory Authorities of Developing Countries (AISADC). The guiding principle of AIRDC is to develop and expand international collaboration and cooperation in the fields of insurance and reinsurance of every type. It also has as its objective to strengthen the insurance market in developing countries and to foster inter-regional cooperation within the insurance industry. On the other hand, the AISADC aims to take all measures as it may deem necessary or desirable to assist, develop faster, promote and strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation among its members in the discharge of their official duties, and to extend assistance to any developing country upon its requests, in the establishment or strengthening of insurance supervision in such country.