It is the ninth anniversary of the Asia Trusted Life Agents and Advisers Awards and in the last nine years, Asia Advisers Network (AAN) has saluted some 206 awardees and empowered life insurance agents consistently not only to raise excellence standards for the Asian insurance industry, but also recognised their efforts as the soldiers of the industry to carry on doing what they do best – serve their clients and do the industry proud.
AAN are truly proud to be a significant part of acknowledging the hard work and dedication of agents across Asia for almost a decade now. In the last nine years, the company has witnessed such amazing feats and efforts of the agents and agency side of the business. It has witnessed how they have morphed and blossomed as the industry itself has evolved.
AAN and Asia Insurance Review, together with co-organiser LIMRA and strategic partner AIA, are indeed proud and humbled to be able to continue rewarding excellence and launch the opening of nominations for the ninth year.
So let the competition begin. Nominate and showcase your strength and all you have done. This will also motivate your peers. If you have seen a shining star that should be applauded, make sure you send in a third-party nomination as well.
Looking forward to welcoming the entries this year. All the best. May the Year of the Dragon be a great prosperous and healthy one for all of you.