Theme: “The Digital Savvy Broker: Finding a Secure Sustainable Niche in the Future of Insurance”.
In this digital era with InsurTech gaining ground, disruption is the order of the day. The role of brokers is often questioned as doomed. Yet the insurance chain is such that brokers are indispensable even if the preference is to deal direct and discounts are given for direct deals. Brokers can entrench their role by exploiting technology and add to technology to offer more value add and ensure their indispensability and sustainability.
Tech-savvy brokers is the order of the day. They will have an upper hand as today’s customers expect more than just competitive prices. They are clamouring for a convenience service and digital experience through an omnichannels. Tools such as an online platform, mobile apps, web analytics, live chat and chat bots can enhance brokers’ competitive advantage. What are the right digital tools available for modern brokers? How to integrate digital offering and blend into business? What can brokers be doing now to prepare for the massive innovation on the horizon? Hence our heralding theme: The Digital Savvy Broker: Finding a Secure Sustainable Niche in the Future of Insurance
The Summit will look at cutting-edge strategies in the insurance business and highlight the areas where brokers can rise to reinforce their role in the value chain of insurance as valued partners to both insurers and risk managers and corporate clients in the dynamic risk landscape. The Summit will bring high level prominent, thought-provoking keynote addresses and allow you to leverage on prime networking opportunities with industry leaders from Asia and across the world. It will also come with exhibition to see where technology can easily support or enhance broker services or make them more efficient.